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SEN Mafia XV: Gotham City
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Oct 3 2009, 8:43 pm
By: DT_Battlekruser
Pages: 1 2 382 >

Oct 3 2009, 8:43 pm DT_Battlekruser Post #1

Thanks to Greo for the banner.

Enter SEN Mafia: a strategic guessing game of murder, mystery, and statistics! Players dwell within a town that has been infiltrated by the Mafia. Dead bodies start turning up and everyone becomes a suspect. If the Townspeople manage to lynch all the Mafia, they win. Otherwise, the Mafia kill everyone in the town and claim victory.

** NEWS **
The general theme of the game is chaos.. and Batman.

Players receive roles at the start of the game. Roles are randomly selected. There are only two factions in play: townsperson and mafia. During the night, members of the mafia kill the townspeople. Certain townspersons with roles also get to perform certain actions during the night. The Mafia will know who all the other Mafia are, but the townspeople have no additional information.

The game takes place over alternating periods of Day and Night. (Game Time, not according to the real world.) The game begins at day.

** NIGHT **
During the night, the town sleeps and the Mafia strikes. A time-limit is imposed on the night phase. Night ends with a posted report of the killings and other actions that may have taken place. The post contains clues that the town must analyze.

To send a night action, PM it to me in the following form:
[action name] : [action target(s)]
For example:
Night hit: JaFF

Please write the names fully and correctly. We have MorphLing and DarkLing, and I don't want to see someone placing a hit on 'ling' or 'lingie'. Also note that if a night hit was submitted and then changed, the new hit is moved to the end of the hit list (important for grouping).

(Not necessarily reflected in game posts)
1. Doctors protect, townies dodge/save, and other non-hit effects take place
2. Mafia hits
3. Zombies and other non-mafia hits attack
4. Detectives investigate
5. Day.

** DAY **
Democracy rules by day in form of a vote. All players (including mafia) gather for a "town meeting" to discuss amongst themselves who might be Mafia. Every player (including Mafia) may place a vote to select a player to be lynched and killed off.

- You must vote in the topic. Votes via PMs,, IMs, or any other medium are not acceptable and not counted.
- Votes must be placed for specific individuals only, no variable voting. (ie, no "guy who posts next" or "biggest bandwagon")
- Votes must be clear and free of ambiguity. A simple "I vote X" is sufficient. Ambiguous statements, such as "I think X might be mafia" will not be counted.
- You may not vote for yourself, dead players, or people who are not playing.
- You may only place one vote on one person.
- You may formally abstain from the the vote to be factored in as active and be included in the total of votes placed.
- You may change your vote until day ends. Do not abuse this. You will be forbidden from further vote changes if you make things difficult with vote changes.
- In case of a tie, the player VOTED FOR first will be killed.
- Please go out of your way to make your vote visible. A separate line is nice. We promise not to get insulted if you pretend we're almost blind.

After the town has decided by majority or time up, the victim(s) is/are lynched and their alignment and role revealed. If there are still surviving mafia, the next night begins.

The day and night cycles repeat until one side is victorious.
The town wins when all mafia have been lynched.
The mafia wins when they outnumber the townspeople. (they would outvote and overpower them.)
In a case where 1 mafia and 1 townsperson remain, the mafia wins.

A. Conversation via external means is allowed. You may encounter or engage in deception, conspiracies, and trickery. We take no responsibility for broken trust and shattered friendships - outside communication takes place at your own risk. Some well-played impersonations can dramatically alter the outcome of the game.

B. Dead persons and non-players "MAY" talk, but your posts will be deleted if they violate any of the following:
1. It is reasonable to say that the post may alter the course of the game or influence players in any way.
2. The post is annoying or just not funny.
3. They violate SEN's rules.
4. I or DTBK feel like it.
They may not influence the game by communicating with players still living.

C. One may not request or volunteer screenshots, videos, etc. of another's role screen or someone's password via the thread, a PM, or any other method. The game is intended to be won via behavioral analysis, special roles, and praying a lot. Such exchanges will be punished severely and take place at your own risk.

If the game has not started, you may sign up by posting in this thread and I will add you to list. There is no maximum amount of players.

Take note of the following:
1. A non-default avatar is required to play. If you wish to play, make sure you have chosen a unique avatar.
2. If you won't play without a special role, don't play at all. If you won't contribute jack shit to the town, don't play at all. Useless and inactive townies ruin balancing and ultimately, the game itself.
3. If you plan on being away from the game for more than 3 days at a time during the game, it is better that you do not play and sit the round out.
4. Please note you will be restricted from editing certain aspects of your profile once the game starts. This is because clues may be based off such things. You are aware of this and agree not to bitch about it.
5. If the game has already started, you must wait until the next game. People always tell me to sign them up during the game. They then become inactive or I forget to sign them up. To prevent this problem, I ask all those who wish to play to wait for the next round.
6. Automatic Signup is requestable for future games. It is automatically cancelled if you are booted from the game for any reason.
7. By signing up to play, you agree that you have read and understood the first post(s) containing the rules and setup of the game. Failure to show understanding of the information provided in the first post(s) at any time after signing up may result in a ban from the game.

If you have any questions, PM me or post in the thread.

Night 1
Day 2
Night 2
Day 3
Night 3
Day 4
Night 4
Day 5
Night 5
Day 6
Night 6
Day 7
Night 7
Day 8
Night 8
Day 9
Night 9
Day 10

A striked out name indicates the person is dead. When the game starts, the types and numbers of each special role present in the game will be posted.

1. lil-Inferno (P)*
2. EzDay281 (P)*
3. Zycorax (P)*
4. EcHo (P)*
5. Darkling (P)*
6. Hug A Zergling (P)*
7. Chubacca (P)*
8. Norm (P)*
9. DeVouReR (P)*
10. Brontobyte (P)*
11. Shocko (P)*
12. Dark_Marine (P)*
13. poison_us (P)*
14. Vi3t-X (P)*
15. darksnow (P)*
16. Ultimo (P)*
17. Corbo (P) <<A Winner is he
18. Raccoon (P)
19. Vrael (P)
20. zany_001 (P)*
21. FatalException (P)
22. Hug A Zergling (P)
23. Excalibur (P)
24. l)ark_ssj9kevin (P)
25. Greo (P)
26. NudeRaider (P)
27. Dapperdan (P)
28. KrayZee (P)
29. rayNimagi (P)
30. Generalpie (P)*
31. Almost Alive (P)
32. Apocalypse666 (P) (=Urahara)
33. ToA (P)
34. Ashamed (P)
35. dumbducky (P)
36. Signups closed. Come play next game!
* = automatic sign up for future games.

2 of 28 TOWNSPERSON alive. (faction count, includes normal townspeople and town-aligned special roles. Does not include The Joker.)
1 of 6 MAFIA alive. (faction count, includes the mafia doctor)
1 of 1 MAFIA DOCTOR alive.
1 of 1 BATMAN alive.
1 of 1 JOKER alive.
0 of 3 PATROLMAN alive.
0 of 1 BOONDOCK SAINT alive.
0 of 1 PARDONER alive.
0 of 2 DOCTOR alive.
0 of 4 DIRECTOR alive.

4 of 35 players alive.

Player (games)
NerdyTerdy (P) (1)
devilesk (P) (a lot.)
You end up here from inactivity, neglecting your role and powers, or rulebreaking. All players who missed 2 or more votes last game were booted.

Sitting out: -

** ROLES **

TOWNSPERSON - The average, ordinary townsperson. Their limited powers include the power of persuasion, power of intellect (clue interpretation), and the one-time dodge/save ability.
Power: Dodge - Allows the Townsperson to dodge one night hit placed on them that night. May only be used once per game, if and only if Save has not been used previously and is not being used the same night.
Power: Save - Allows the Townsperson to prevent one night hit placed on the target of their choice. May only be used once per game, if and only if Dodge has not been used previously and is not being used the same night.

MAFIA - They've invaded the town, and they each kill someone every night. The mafia know the identity of other mafia. Each mafia has one hit of his own which he may direct. If another team member wishes to send in hits for a mafia, they may do so, but messages from the owner of the hit will take precedence.

MAFIA DOCTOR - The mafia doctor is a member of the mafia who also has the option to save people. Each night, he may either use his normal mafia hit or prevent one night hit on a target of his choice. He may use either power once per night, but not both in the same night.

BATMAN - The bringer of great justice, Batman seeks to eradicate the mafia. He has the power to expose players at night. A target of Batman's ability will not die, but instead have their role revealed publicly in the day post. Batman begins with three uses of this ability and may use them as he chooses, with a maximum of two per night. If Batman successfully uncovers a mafia or the Joker, he gains two more chances to use his power for each such player uncovered. Batman has three regenerating night lives (i.e. requires three simultaneous hits to kill), but is vulnerable to the lynch and to other nighttime powers.

Clarification: Batman may not use his power on any living player whose role has already been revealed to the public.

THE JOKER - The Joker has no alignment other than chaos. Once per night, the Joker may PM me with a target. That target will be publicly announced (immediately). If the Joker's target does not die by the end of the following day, two other players are selected at random to have a hit placed on them the following night (these can be at the same time as another ultimatum from the Joker). These hits can be nullified by protection, dodging, jail, etc. Batman cannot be a random target, but can be the main target of the Joker's ability. He may choose to use his power in any way he wishes; think of the Joker's goal as getting a mineral reward for the total number of dead players at the game's end. The Joker cannot die at night until revealed by Batman, but he can be lynched. The Joker's power cannot be Directed. If Jailed, the Joker still gets his phone call, but cannot kill people.

PATROLMAN - The officers of the night watch, they can lock up a player of their choice in jail. A player in jail cannot use his night abilities, and cannot be the target of any night abilities. Jailed players will be told that they are jailed, but the fact will not be made public. Patrolmen may jail each other. If two patrolmen target each other, the first jail order stands and the second is nullified. May be used once per night.

BOONDOCK SAINT - The Boondock Saint is the true purveyor of harsh vigilante justice. Each night, he may place one hit on a target of his choice, based on his own suspicions. He is town-aligned.

PARDONER - Once, during the course of the game, the Pardoner may use his ability to save the target of the town's lynch. In doing so, he must PM me during the day. At the end of this day, his role will be revealed, and the lynch victim will be let off.

DOCTOR - Each and every night, the doctor may save one person from death. Should someone attack that person, the doctor will keep them alive. Doctors may protect each other, but may not protect themselves. The mafia may target the same person multiple times to get a kill regardless of a Doctor's protection (ie, kill, save, kill).

DIRECTOR - The Director has the ability to change targets and cause chaos, though he is town aligned. Each night, the Director may target one player and one alternate target. If the player is using a single-target night ability, its target will be shifted to the new one the Director chooses. The Director does not receive confirmation as to whether he successfully used his power or not. If a Director directs another director, the primary target is changed, but the secondary target remains the same.

Warning: We will keep an eye on the thread and will moderate any bullshit without mercy. Be especially careful in the mayoral election not to turn the accusations of a candidate into flaming and trolling. Do not insult other players' intelligence because of their actions/interpretations/whatever, or we will insult you by deleting your posts, and possibly even removing you from the game with the help of lightning bolts.

I play the role of "God". My judgment is used where I deem it necessary. Depending on how I balance the game, I may be the collective target of the mafia for the first night. Divine intervention via lightning bolts may occur. If you are not monotheistic, you are now. If you have any suggestions, let me know.

Credit: Dimma Davidoff at the Psychological Department of Moscow State University, for creating the game in the spring of 1986.
Hajjhowe & Triple 6 @ PWA message board.
ToA for bringing mafia to SEN and Maplantis.
Dapperdan for major help along the way.
Mini Moose 2707 for hosting a lot of mafia games at SEN and being a major contributor to the development of the mafia game tradition here and at Maplantis.
Anyone else who ever or helped to run Mafia games on SEN or Maplantis. for role randomization.

Post has been edited 43 time(s), last time on Jan 12 2010, 8:51 am by DT_Battlekruser.


Oct 3 2009, 8:45 pm darksnow Post #2

sign me up for thsi and all future mafia games =O


Oct 3 2009, 9:01 pm Neki Post #3

Sign me up, put me for auto sign-up too.


Oct 3 2009, 9:15 pm Corbo Post #4


me in
Fix the Maplnatis typo, it's bugging me :P

fuck you all

Oct 3 2009, 9:18 pm The Starport Post #5

I'll be pissed if the Joker gets hit early on.

I'm not completely sold on the workability of the game role mechanics this game, tbh...


Oct 3 2009, 9:22 pm Norm Post #6

Cool, I hope I get an interesting role. Also, in you misspelled "Choice" and you typed "Joice" instead.


Oct 3 2009, 9:43 pm EzDay281 Post #7

It'd be awesome if the Batman and the Joker teamed up to turn Batman's power into night kills.


Oct 3 2009, 9:47 pm Phobos Post #8

Are you sure about that? EzDay.

This only means I have to find a new avatar and a new signature.

this is signature

Oct 3 2009, 9:50 pm darksnow Post #9

so the joker can be bribed into helping the batman?


Oct 3 2009, 10:09 pm DT_Battlekruser Post #10

Quote from EzDay281
It'd be awesome if the Batman and the Joker teamed up to turn Batman's power into night kills.

One could argue that Batman is better off not having his power kill people.

I might remove one of Batman's starting uses.. it's a pretty good ability.


Oct 3 2009, 10:49 pm darksnow Post #11

well it really depends on how many players there are.
if theres 100 townies and like, 20 mafia, it'd be a lot harder. with only 2 uses, its not like if it was 20 townies with 5 mafia, where there's only 15 non-mafia mafia to waste your skill on.


Oct 3 2009, 11:01 pm Bar Refaeli Post #12

the idea of roles that could be either mafia or town aligned is awesome to me.

yea im in!
townies all the way!


Oct 3 2009, 11:11 pm Vrael Post #13

I am vengeance.

I am the night!


I'm in.


Oct 3 2009, 11:16 pm Jack Post #14

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

In. Autosign up too.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Oct 3 2009, 11:36 pm FatalException Post #15


You know what that means.


Oct 3 2009, 11:42 pm EzDay281 Post #16

One could argue that Batman is better off not having his power kill people.
It'd still be cool, though. :P


Oct 3 2009, 11:43 pm darksnow Post #17

oh and, cant you go like.
*batman gets the right person and hes mafia*
*batman gets 2 more uses*
*sheriff jails the mafia that was found*
*batman uses skill on same mafia again*
-rinse lather repeat until batman racks up x amount of uses, and figures out all teh mafia =O


Oct 3 2009, 11:51 pm FatalException Post #18

Quote from darksnow
oh and, cant you go like.
*batman gets the right person and hes mafia*
*batman gets 2 more uses*
*sheriff jails the mafia that was found*
*batman uses skill on same mafia again*
-rinse lather repeat until batman racks up x amount of uses, and figures out all teh mafia =O
You can't reveal something that's already known.


Oct 4 2009, 12:31 am Lingie Post #19

No no. I'm the motherfucking Batman.

Lingie#3148 on Discord. Lingie, the Fox-Tailed on Steam.

Oct 4 2009, 12:41 am Jack Post #20

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Quote from name:Darkling
No no. I'm the motherfucking Batgirl.
Fix'd o.O

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 4 2009, 12:42 am by zany_001. Reason: Because I am the Joker

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

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[2024-10-21. : 3:34 pm]
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[2024-10-21. : 4:35 am]
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[2024-10-21. : 12:36 am]
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[2024-10-20. : 10:03 pm]
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